PMA Press Release
At least 350 incoming fourth-class cadets who composed the PMA Class of 2026 took their Oath-taking Ceremony and Reception Rites in Baguio City on Saturday, July 09.
The oath-taking ceremony signified the acceptance of the incoming cadets to the Cadet Corps Armed Forces of the Philippines and marks the beginning of a challenging life of being a cadet.
This was followed by the traditional Reception Rites which is a simple yet profoundly
meaningful ceremony to test and gauge the physical and mental stamina of a plebe through a series of fast-paced physical activities supervised by the members of the training directorate. It also signaled the start of the regimented military life and gradual transformation from a civilian into a professional and disciplined young military leader.
Out of the 37,651 cadet applicants who applied for the PMA Entrance Examination (PMAEE) last year, 24,288 were qualified to take the said examination in 45 Testing Centers nationwide.
Out of the 24,288 who took the Entrance Examination, 1,211 passed and 888 reported for the medical and physical examination at the AFP Health Service Command. After rigid physical and medical examinations were conducted, only 350 cadets were selected. #